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Whom do you trust?
Based on the your trusted actors, you have currently the following option ranking.

Friends of the Earth
in social context
International network of environmental organizations in 73 countries, founded in 1969 in San Francisco, with advocacy programs focing on environmental issues, highlighting their social, political and human rights contexts.

Climate Action Network
1,300 NGOs for
climate action
Global network of over 1,300 environmental non-governmental organisations in over 130 countries working to promote government and individual action to limit human-induced climate change to ecologically sustainable levels

Al Gore
US environmentalist
45th VP, Nobel \'04
Still a American politician and environmentalist, 45th vice president of the United States from 1993 to 2001, author and environmental activist, whose work in climate change activism earned him (jointly with the IPCC) the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007. (Co-)Founder and chair of The Climate Reality Project, Generation Investment Management, and heading the climate change solutions group at venture capitalist Kleiner Perkins.

Vanessa Nakate
Ugandan climate
justice activist
Ugandan climate justice activist, brought climate protest to the Parliament of Uganda, started the renewable energy initiative Green Schools Project.

Democracy Now
News program for
Democracy Now! is a news program hosted by Amy Goodman, combining news reporting, interviews, investigative journalism and political commentary, with a focus on peace activism linked to environmental justice and social justice.

Terre des hommes
Global children's
rights advocates
International children's rights charitable humanitarian umbrella organization to advocate for children's rights, defend them, and spread information, with independent organizations in ten countries, consultant to the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).

Naomi Klein
No logo!
Canadian author and social activist known for political analyses, support of ecofeminism, organized labour, left-wing politics and criticism of corporate globalization, fascism and capitalism, currently Gloria Steinem Chair at Rutgers University.

Independent global
campaign network
Independent global campaigning network, founded in 1971, to ensure the ability of the Earth to nurture life in all its diversity, focusing its campaigning on worldwide issues such as climate change, deforestation, overfishing, commercial whaling, genetic engineering, and anti-nuclear issues. Greenpeace has a general consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council and is a founding member of the INGO Accountability Charter.

Elon Musk
Tesla, SpaceX
Entrepreneur, founder and co-founder of SpaceX, Tesla, The Boring Company, Neuralink and OpenAI.

Graeme Maxton
British climate
change economist
pakistan climate change economist, previous Secretary General of the Club of Rome, and author or co-author of seven books on climate change, the economic system and the automotive industry, including Reinventing Prosperity, The End of Progress, How Modern Economics Has Failed Us, Time for a Model Change, and Driving Over a Cliff.

CD Community

Boris Johnson
United Kingdom
Prime minister
Prime minister of the United Kingdom

Sunita Narain
Indian activist,
Indian environmentalist and political activist as well as a major proponent of the Green concept of sustainable development, director general of the India-based research institute for the Centre for Science and Environment, director of the Society for Environmental Communications, and editor of the fortnightly magazine, Down To Earth.

Bill Gates
Multiple co-founder
world citizen
Co-founder of Microsoft and of the Gates foundation, concerned world citizen

Fahad Rizwan
Green Squad
tree planting
Pakistani environmental activist, founder of environmental group Green Squad for tree plantation


World Wide Fund for Nature
Largest conserving
The world's largest conservation organization, with over five million supporters worldwide, working in more than 100 countries and supporting around 3,000 conservation and environmental projects, aiming to stop the degradation of the planet's natural environment and to build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature, with current work organized around food, climate, freshwater, wildlife, forests, and oceans.

Greta Thunberg
Climate activist
with Asperger’s
Climate- and environmental activist with Asperger’s Born at 375 ppm

Fridays For Future
Demand action
to prevent collapse
School students who skip Friday classes to participate in demonstrations to demand action from political leaders to prevent climate change and for the fossil fuel industry to transition to renewable energy, started with Swedish pupil Greta Thunberg staging a protest in August 2018 outside the Swedish Riksdag.

Arthur Braunschweig


Barack Obama
Dad, husband,
President, citizen.
Dad, husband, President, citizen.

Open Actor
President of
President of France since May, 2017

Online activist
The globe's largest and most powerful online activist network, U.S.-based nonprofit launched in January 2007, promoting global activism on climate change, human rights, animal rights, corruption, poverty, and conflict.

US Democrats
US party for modern
liberalism & rights
Major political party in the United States, the world's oldest active political party founded in 1828, promoting a philosophy of modern liberalism with notions of civil liberty and social equality with support for corporate governance reform, environmental protection, support for organized labor, expansion of social programs, affordable college tuition, health care reform, equal opportunity, consumer protection, campaign finance reform, LGBT rights, criminal justice and immigration reform, stricter gun laws, abortion rights, and the legalization of marijuana.

Ou Hongyi
Guilin climate
Chinese environmental activist who organises the school strike for climate in Guilin in southern China, calling for more action to limit greenhouse gas emissions by China.

financial power.
We aim for citizens' recapture of the financial sector's power.

UN children aid
United Nations agency responsible for providing humanitarian and developmental aid to children worldwide, providing immunizations and disease prevention, administering treatment for children and mothers with HIV, enhancing childhood and maternal nutrition, improving sanitation, promoting education, and providing emergency relief in response to disasters.

Vandana Shiva
Delhi-based food
sovereignty author
Delhi-based Indian scholar, environmental activist, food sovereignty advocate, ecofeminist and anti-globalisation author of more than 20 books, often referred to as "Gandhi of grain" for her activism associated with anti-GMO movement.

Dalai Lama
Tibetan buddhism
spiritual leader
Foremost spiritual leader of the Gelug school of Tibetan Buddhism, currently Tenzin Gyatso, who lives as a refugee in India

global poverty
British founded confederation of 20 independent charitable organizations focusing on the alleviation of global poverty, founded in 1942 and led by Oxfam International.

Amnesty International
Human rights
Campaigning for a world in which every person enjoys all of the human rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international human rights instruments.

Turkish Presidency
Presidency of the
Republic of Turkey
Presidency of the Republic of Turkey.

Izkia Siches Pastén
Chilean doctor
CMC president
Chilean doctor and president of the Chilean Medical College

US Republicans
Conservative US
party for freedom
Major political party in the United States, promoting American conservatism, with both social and fiscal conservatism, lower taxes, free-market capitalism, restrictions on immigration, increased military spending, gun rights, restrictions on abortion, deregulation, and restrictions on labor unions.

Extinction Rebellion
Use nonviolent
civil disobedience
Global environmental movement aiming to use nonviolent civil disobedience to compel government action to avoid tipping points in the climate system, biodiversity loss, and the risk of social and ecological collapse.


Ahmad 1

Maryam Rajavi
