The one-pager
Besides the posts here on the blog, see the one-page description of Civil democracy and the Global Sustainability Council.

The book
A more complete introduction is given in the Civil democracy book (paperback, 136 pages). It is available as paperback, 6×9″ hardcover, and ebook.

The reader
A edited volume of texts written on Civil democracy up to summer 2019, available as paperback and as ebook.
The history book
Two Steps to Modernity is a 480-page study in historical sociology describing the two-stage nature of Western modernity. It is available as paperback, hardcover, and ebook.
A more comprehensive listing of texts on Civil democracy comprises the following entries:
- Scholtz, Hanno. 2019. Civil democracy: Saving the world starts with the revolution at Greenpeace. Zurich. 135 pp.
- Scholtz, Hanno. 2019. Zivildemokratie: Die Rettung der Welt beginnt mit der Revolution bei Greenpeace. Zurich. 153 pp.
- Scholtz, Hanno. 2019. Civil Democracy Reader. Zurich. 193 pp.
- Scholtz, Hanno. 2019. Researching problems of partitioning representation: Starting a research network on understanding and overcoming the partition paradigm. Unpublished working paper. 19 pp.
- Scholtz, Hanno. 2019. Time to grow up, after 8000 years: The adolescence of mankind and how to limit its damage. Unpublished working paper.16 pp.
- Scholtz, Hanno. 2018. Civil democracy: How partition led into this crisis and what we need to fix it. Unpublished working paper. 16 pp.
- Scholtz, Hanno. 2018. Structure and math of Civil democracy. Unpublished working paper.21 pp.
- Scholtz, Hanno. 2018. Groups under roofs: A network model of Europe and Western Christianity, their history, problems, and prospects. Unpublished working paper. 15 pp.
- Scholtz, Hanno. 2017. Can the Internet Improve Politics? Introducing the idea of network-based collective decision making. Unpublished working paper. 11 pp.
- Scholtz, Hanno. 2017. Zweite Moderne erklären, Wandel erwarten: Die soziologische Erklärung der Zweistufigkeit der Moderne und ihre Konsequenzen. Unpublished working paper. 23 pp.
- Scholtz, Hanno. 2017. Idea, background, and conditions for the implementation of network-based collective decision-making. Unpublished working paper. 28 pp.
- Scholtz, Hanno. 2017. Mechanisms of Modernity and Modernization Crises: The Two-Step Nature of European Modernity in an Explanatory Model. Unpublished working paper. 16 pp.
- Scholtz, Hanno. 2016. Two Steps to Modernity: Two Global Crises in Analysis, Explanation, and Solution. Unpublished, edited version of the Habilitation thesis (2014). 470 pp.
- Scholtz, Hanno. 2016. A Déjà-vu – and What Comes Next? Two Steps to Modernity in Analysis, Explanation, and Solution. Unpublished short working paper. 21 pp.
- Scholtz, Hanno. 2016. How To Cope With Parallel Challenges: The Analytical Theory of Modernity and Second Modernity. Unpublished short working paper. 5 pp.
- Scholtz, Hanno. 2014. Two Steps to Modernity. Changes, Choices, Challenges, and Social Institutions, 1750-2050. Habilitation thesis, Philosophical Faculty, University of Zurich. (Accepted in 2015.) 479 pp.
- Scholtz, Hanno. 2002. Effiziente politische Aggregation. Opladen: Leske & Budrich. 201 pp.
Since 2017, this work has benefitted from the help of open data specialist André Golliez, web campaigner Boris Périsset, cross media designer Christof Täschler, and continuously of Diana Krüger and Enrico Tenaglia. Enrico, Boris, Christof and I formed the first realization attempt team wedecide.ch. Over the whole decade up to 2019, the project has been supported by a person who preferred to remain anonymous, but whose help is gratefully acknowledged. More recently, Civil democracy has been gratefully supported by Swissdevjobs and two individuals who prefer to remain anonymous. The author assumes responsibility for all remaining errors.